Tuesday, 21 September 2010


The DeveloperDeveloperDeveloper committee have released their times scales for the next DDD event at the Microsoft offices in Reading, as usual it will be a great event with a huge number of people attending and its all free.

  • Agenda is announced 25 Dec 2010 00:00
  • Registration opens 01 Jan 2011 00:00
  • The event begins 29 Jan 2011 09:00

My only issue with these dates is that it seems the DDD committee is trying to reduce the usual attendee surge by opening registration on New Years day.  Obviously the DDD committee are not invited to any NYE parties ;-)

In between drinks at my NYE location I will still be finding time to register, good luck!

More info @ http://developerdeveloperdeveloper.com/ddd9/Default.aspx